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Income Tax

Federal Budget 2024 – Impact to Investors

Last week the Canadian government presented their 2024 Federal Budget, which contained several items that may be of interest to Canadians.  From a financial standpoint, at first glance the main concern with this budget is that it lacks clear priorities and fails to...

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Steps to Lower Your Income Taxes 

Over the next few months everyone will be gearing up for income tax season. In the year ahead, set yourself up for a more favourable income tax situation in 2023 & 2024. Consider; Maximizing Registered Retirement Plan (RRSP) Contributions: One of the only ways you...

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The First Time Home Savings Account (FHSA)

Canada announced a brand-new account for Canadian Residents to save for their first home purchase, which began April 1st 2023. The Tax-Free First Time Home Savings Account (FHSA) adds yet another financial account acronym for Canadians to wrap their head around. So...

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Steps to Lower Your Income Taxes Next Year

Income tax season is now upon us… the time of year where your mailboxes have filled up with tax slips and receipts as you gather your documents to prepare your 2020 tax returns. We can hear the angst in client’s voices when they ask our advisors “so, do I owe more...

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When is a 5% return better than a 7% return?

In the quest to grow wealth, many people believe they have to seek out the highest possible return for a given level of risk. However, our experience has taught us that most investors often overlook their real objective… which is to generate the most money after tax....

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So, would you like to save some tax?

We have found that many accountants and most people are unaware of the significant advantages available to non RRSP investors when investing via Corporate Class Funds. Tax time is a perfect time of year to review the tax you are paying and look for ways to pay less....

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It is our strong belief that to be successful in reaching your goals it is necessary to have a plan in place and to follow a process. That is, to make your life and financial decisions not by accident but by design.

Remember, successful people ACT towards the future they want!

Recent Posts

US Election and The Stock Market

As our neighbours to the south go to the polls early November, we thought that it would be timely to look at the impact that US Elections have had on your investments and financial markets as a...

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Our Clients

Their honesty and customer service is right up there, with the knowledge and recommendations on where investments should be made. When it’s time for a change Tim is always honest with us on where any changes should be made.

Janet McDonald

To me, it is their personalized service. When something happens, you can go in and discuss your options. The whole team knows your plans, listens to your needs, and can help you make adjustments.

Richard Dumoulin

They are very courteous, friendly and find them very professional. They are good at taking care of time sensitive matters and you get a general sense of being taken care of.

Ginny Blair

The fact they take time to discuss with you their knowledge base, they give you all the options then give you their opinion and let YOU make the final decision.


Their integrity and 1-on-1 communication skills, always personable. Tim and his team make you feel comfortable no matter how much you are investing.
