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Information Bank

Biggest financial risks to retirees

Demographic and economic changes have elevated longevity risk when planning for retirement. Not only are we seeing this in Cornwall and the surrounding area, but all around Canada… Retirees are simply living longer! Today, retirees are rightly concerned with the risk...

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The Green Rush

Some investors may view others moving towards a new investment idea as a “rush” and a great chance to cash in on a hot new industry.  The classic investor emotion of “fear of missing out” has yet again taken control of those looking to invest in the soon-to-be...

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The Big Six Banks Will Fleece You—If You Let Them

An article with this title was published in the March 20th Edition of the Globe and Mail. The reporter, Rob Carrick wrote about how the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada outlined in a report issued in mid-March that the Big Six banks are sharply focused on selling...

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“Obvious” Investment Truths (explained)

The more we watch the media the more important it is to remind ourselves of what constitutes proven investment truths.  We would like to give credit to an article by Ben Carlson at www.wealthofcommomsense.com for putting together 36 investment truths that serve as a...

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New Years Resolution Psychology

Research has shown that about half of all adults make New Year’s resolutions. However, according to Mark Griffiths, Director of the International Gaming Research Unit and Professor of Behavioural Addiction at Nottingham Trent University, fewer than 10% manage to keep...

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The Gift of Education through RESPs

A new Ipsos-Reid survey indicates that while 97% of parents surveyed want their children to further their education, only 49% of them actually have a Registered Education Plan in place. While it may not cover a child’s entire College or University stint, if set up at...

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Creating a Retirement Income Plan

For those of us who will need to live off the assets we have accumulated over our working years, one of the most important milestones occurs when we start converting our savings into income. In our view, for most people this is the most important crossroad in their...

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Bank Employees Under Pressure: Sales vs. Service?

Do sales goals get in the way of a financial institution’s promise to put clients’ interests first?  Can banks and credit unions align their priorities and interest with that of the consumers? Twisted Priorities The banking industry has been shaken up in recent months...

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As Investors did we learn anything last year??

The New Year is a great time to reflect on the events of the past year to see if we can learn anything that could help us in the future. As a Financial Planner and Investor I can think of nothing that can help us become better investors than to look at what happened...

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It is our strong belief that to be successful in reaching your goals it is necessary to have a plan in place and to follow a process. That is, to make your life and financial decisions not by accident but by design.

Remember, successful people ACT towards the future they want!

Recent Posts

Equities & Expectations

We spend a lot of time speaking about managing emotions and investor behaviour. Setting expectations is a big part of that. Now, why would setting realistic expectations be so important to our...

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Their honesty and customer service is right up there, with the knowledge and recommendations on where investments should be made. When it’s time for a change Tim is always honest with us on where any changes should be made.

Janet McDonald

To me, it is their personalized service. When something happens, you can go in and discuss your options. The whole team knows your plans, listens to your needs, and can help you make adjustments.

Richard Dumoulin

They are very courteous, friendly and find them very professional. They are good at taking care of time sensitive matters and you get a general sense of being taken care of.

Ginny Blair

The fact they take time to discuss with you their knowledge base, they give you all the options then give you their opinion and let YOU make the final decision.


Their integrity and 1-on-1 communication skills, always personable. Tim and his team make you feel comfortable no matter how much you are investing.
